Christmas Special:

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This course is the 101 for Money Management for YA.
Learn the basics of money management, how to set up your bank accounts in an easy-to-use fashion, understand how credit cards and loans work and uncover the myths around credit scores in Australia. We look into strategies that work for you based on well-known and sound psychology.
This course is perfect for you if you've always struggled with money management or if your a young adult with your first job stepping into the world of having an income.

Enroll in the course now!

Module 1

We look at the history of money, how your values and goals relate and influence money and the simple maths behind spending plans

Module 2

The 'physical' (aka electronic) banking structure you have is important. We look at the must-have accounts and how the cash should flow

Module 3

The basics of Credits and Debits, and real world examples of differnt types of Loans. We also look at how HECS is indexed

Module 4

Take a look behind BNPL schemes and get introduced to the idea of PNBL

Module 5

Look at how Credit Scores work in Australia and how to get a good one

Money Management Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Purpose of Money
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Banking Structure
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Credit & Debt
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Buy Now, Pay Later
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Credit Score
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Key Takeaways
Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is closed for enrollment.

Meet Your Teacher

Hi, I'm Madeleine

Growing up, I learnt very little about money and the financial system in Australia. At the age of 19, I had managed to save $5,000 - I was super proud of myself. 4 months later, I checked my bank balance and there was less than $500 in there.... I was shocked! I could'nt work out where all my savings had gone.

I spent the next couple of month going through all my bank statements and working out my earnings and spendings. Simply put, I was spending more than I was earning. That was the beginning of my interest in finance.

With my background in behaviour change and my keen interest in personal finance and financial planning, I am able to apply beahvoural change concepts to finance.

The more I've learnt through life experience and structured education (shoutout to Deakin) the more I want to teach others so they can avoid the mistakes I made. And do it in a way that sets them up for financial freedom


DipBS, BExSportSci, GradCertFinPlan